UndocuGrads Wellness Circle

This circle aims to hold space for vulnerability and authentic connection around the challenges of being an Undocumented graduate student. This could include status-related stressors, personal relationships, financial stress, faculty/staff relationships, and the role of White Supremacy culture within academic, among others. Grounding and self-care practices will be offered at the start of every circle […]

USP Alumni Panel

Come join us to hear from our USP Alumni who have navigated the post-grad world with or without work authorization. This panel will be held through Zoom. Please RSVP below to receive the Zoom Link information  RSVP: tinyurl.com/uspalumni

UCRC Open during Summer

The UCRC is open! The hours for the summer will be Monday through Thursday, 10am-5pm. Come study, get snacks, and build community!