UndocuGrads Wellness Circle

This circle aims to hold space for vulnerability and authentic connection around the challenges of being an Undocumented graduate student. This could include status-related stressors, personal relationships, financial stress, faculty/staff relationships, and the role of White Supremacy culture within academic, among others. Grounding and self-care practices will be offered at the start of every circle […]

USP Alumni Panel

Come join us to hear from our USP Alumni who have navigated the post-grad world with or without work authorization. This panel will be held through Zoom. Please RSVP below to receive the Zoom Link information  RSVP: tinyurl.com/uspalumni

UCRC Open during Summer

The UCRC is open! The hours for the summer will be Monday through Thursday, 10am-5pm. Come study, get snacks, and build community!

Undocu Support Circle

Undocumented Community Resource Center 180 Cesar Chavez Student Center

This will be a space for undocumented students to connect and decompress, be in community and be led through calming, stress reducing exercises. Held in person in 180 Cesar Chavez, the Undocumented Community Resource Center. Snacks provided.