Affordable Housing

Learn about affordable housing options for Undocumented Students at UC.

Housing Resources

As with all EOP students, AB540 undocumented students can also receive a deposit reduction and priority housing placement for affordable housing with the Berkeley Student Cooperative. To receive priority housing placement for the co-ops, you should schedule an appointment with an EOP counselor by calling (510) 642-7224 or stopping by 119 Cesar Chavez Student Center.

UC BERKELEY Undocumented Student in the street

Berkeley Affordable Housing Options

The Berkeley Co-Ops offer reduced rent and other living opportunities. AB540 students can ask for the Rochdale “Oscar Varela” Scholarship at the Rochdale Office at 2424 Haste Street.

Casa Joaquin

Casa Joaquin Multiethnic Residential Leadership Academy is a low-cost co-operative housing program, which offers scholarships that range from $400 to $2000 per academic year. Contact for more information.

City of Berkeley Rent Stabilization Program

Are you a tenant in Berkeley? Know your rights and get your questions answered! Talk to a housing counselor at 510-981-RENT or email rent[at] Also, you can check out the program’s Cal Campus Drop In Hours at the Public Service Center on campus. Read their Cal Guide – Renting in Berkeley here!