Mental Health

Does it cost anything?

All mental health counseling at UC Berkeley is free of cost, including services for undocumented students.

In addition, psychiatry evaluations, follow-ups, labs, and medication at UHS are free.

Please reach out to USP Mental Health Coordinator, Diana Peña, for more info or charges to your CalCentral account.

How do I get in touch with a USP Psychologist?

For additional questions, consultations, or scheduling appointments, you may contact our USP Psychologists’ confidential numbers and leave a voicemail with your name and Student ID (SID) Number:

Bianca Barrios-Montoya, PhD – (510) 664-5342

Diana Peña, PhD – (510) 664-7483

Is counseling confidential?

All sessions are confidential and your legal status will never be included in your records. University staff, faculty, law enforcement officials, parents, potential employers, and others have no access to any of your records without your written permission.

Please note, your counselor is a mandatory reporter and may have an ethical and legal obligation to break confidentiality if you are a threat to harm yourself or others, or if current abuse of a child or elder is suspected. Feel free to ask if you have questions or concerns about confidentiality

What can I talk about in counseling?

People often wonder if their concerns are “big enough” to warrant counseling. The truth is, people talk about many different types of things. See below for some common ones, and if you’re still not sure, come ask!

career concerns depression anxiety (worrying, panic attacks, social, phobias, test anxiety) academic stress stress associated with deportation/family legal status coming out as “undocumented” or “AB-540” migration trauma procrastination/decreased motivation questioning or exploring sexual orientation or gender procrastination/decreased motivation questioning or exploring...