If you are a male, and one month away from turning 18, or already 18, you must register if you want to receive state financial aid. Otherwise, you will not receive aid.
If you are a male, 18 years of age or older, and filling out the CA Dream Act, you must register for Selective Service by visiting your local Post Office and filling out a paper application. This process takes 4-6 weeks to approve. You will then receive a confirmation card that you will provide a copy to Financial Aid along with a Selective Service Verification form. You will not receive financial aid until this is done.
In order to receive state financial aid, if you are dependent on your parents, you must provide IRS tax forms and your parents that work must file taxes.
If your parents do not live in the U.S., they must still report their income UNLESS you are independent, have a legal guardian, OR you have never had any communication or support from your parents. Otherwise, you still have to report what they make in another country and convert it to U.S. dollars.
If you are a dependent student (i.e., you depend on your parents income on the CA Dream Act application), and want to receive state financial aid, your parents must file for taxes and can use a Federal ITIN number to do taxes instead of a social security number.