Should I disclose my status on my Personal Insight Questions (PIQs)? Will this help or hurt me with admissions?
Students should or should not disclose based on comfort level. Admissions readers weigh the personal statement heavily. Students can disclose and talk about their status and how they have overcome the obstacle. Students can discuss the pros and cons of disclosing with a trusted ally
When applying to colleges and universities such as UC Berkeley, what do I put down in the social security number box?
Undocumented students can leave this box blank for CSU’s and UC’s. If students have DACA and a social security number for work authorization, they can choose to use this number or leave it blank. DACA is not required for admissions and is not related to financial aid in the UC/CSU system.
What do I do if I qualify for AB540 and want to be charged in-state tuition?
AB540, expanded by SB77 and SB1141, allows students to qualify for in-state tuition if they graduated at a California high school, completed their GED, attended a California community college, or a combination of three. Students can check their eligibility in this guide created by Immigrants Rising. Students who might qualify for AB540 will be assigned a task on their CalCentral to fill out the AB540 Affidavit Form, to be sent to the Office of the Registrar.
I have been accepted to UC Berkeley. Who can I contact for information as I consider this university?
Students can begin by visiting our website, and e-mailing us at to get connected with USP and our Academic Counselors.