UndocuAlly Staff Directory

undocumented student support

Find staff and faculty undocumented student support in our directory of campus allies, or “UndocuAllies”.

In the spring of 2012, a team of UC Berkeley staff and students came together in support of undocumented students on our campus.

The team began meeting regularly to develop a campus training for staff and faculty, as well as an ally sticker project. “UndocuAlly” is a term the team adopted to refer to campus allies providing trained undocumented student support at Cal. With the support of funding from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion and the Learning + Organizational Development (formerly the Center for Organizational and Workforce Effectiveness), the team developed and launched this project. The first UndocuAlly Training occurred in the spring 2013 semester. The plan is to offer a minimum of one each semester. We hope for staff/faculty members to leave this training with an understanding of the history, legislation and current/future realities of this student community. Below please find a directory of faculty and staff who have completed this training.


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Name Title Department Email
Liliana Iglesias liglesias@berkeley.edu
Lillian Castillo-Speed Head Librarian Ethnic Studies Department csl@berkeley.edu
Lilly Zhang Computer Science Advisor Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences lilyz@eecs.berkeley.edu
Lisa Min Clinical Social Worker Social Services, UHS lmin@berkeley.edu
Lisa Walker Director Cross Cultural Student Development lwalk@berkeley.edu
Lupe Gallegos-Diaz Director & Academic Coordinator Chicana/Latino Academic Student Development lupeg@berkeley.edu
Lydia Raya Undergraduate Advisor Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences lraya@berkeley.edu
Marcia Gee Riley Director & Ombudsperson for Students & Postdocs Ombuds Office for Students & Postdocs mgriley@berkeley.edu
Mari Mordecai Undergraduate Academic Advisor Undergraduate Academic Advisor spanua@berkeley.edu
Maria Solis Residence Affairs Advisor and Evaluator Office of the Registrar mgsolis@berkeley.edu